Personal Testimony of Allan Norgren
name is Allan Norgren, born 1961 in Sweden. In my youth I saw both
Christians and none Christians around me and when I was 18 years old (1980) I
gave my life to God, Jesus and the Bible- I had it in a bunch. Some relatives have been a help for me in my life
and I had also good friends
in my youth. Many of my friends' mothers were housewives, always home, taking
care of their family and also had time for me when I showed up. 1987 I prayed
extra to God for a change in my
life, for a more spiritual life. Some months later God gave me my wife. God sent
her to the house where I lived. I had never met her before. God gave us many strong signs (wonders) that we
should be one and get married. She has really been a blessing
in my life.
I had no father around when I grew up, but I experienced; God was my father,
as the Bible says:
Sing to God, sing praises to His name: extol
Him that rides upon the heavens by His name "The Lord", and rejoice before
Him. A Father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in His holy
dwellings. Psalm 68:4-5
When I was 18 years old I went on a 5 week vacation to USA on my own - not
seeking God in any way, but to see the country, check up the music world and the
sports world a little bit. Then I met very good Christian people who talked
with me in a very good way about Jesus, sins and to be born again (saved). Just
after I came back to Sweden I woke up early in the morning, very strong thoughts
came to me "Shall I give my life to God?", "Be saved?", "Turn away from all sins
I know?", "Be a man like Jesus?" I had a power in me to not make this decision. I
walked around, kind of thinking, praying, wanted - didn't want; a big fight
in me. After a while I made the decision: "Ok God! I give my life to You and
what ever You want me to do." Then happened this wonder to be "born again"
(saved), as
Jesus mentions in the Gospel of John, chapter 3. A great joy and peace that was
so strong came into my life. " Now started a new life. I almost danced of joy.
This joy and peace is hard to explain. I felt accepted by Jesus and God the
Father. Now I didn't have to "play" for people anymore. You have to make a
decision yourself to follow Jesus.
Come to Me, all you that labour and are heavy burden, and I will give
you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. For My yoke
is easy, and My burden is light. Says Jesus in Matthew 11:28-30
I must also mention, a few years before in the 8th or 9th class (primary school) it was a little revival in our Pentecostal Church in my hometown (a small town, about 2500 inhabitants). The Pentecostal Pastor came to our school and had religious lessons and he had good words to say and some in my class got saved - really saved. They became very good Christians, they were very good to me also, but I was not ready to be saved at that time. Some years later I joined that Pentecostal Church directly after got saved and was Baptized in water about a year later in the Sea of Galilee, Israel.
I am also thankful to people that have been praying for me; relatives,
friends, people
in my Pentecostal Church and other people. We all need praying help, we are not Jesus,
we are not in heaven yet, so we need to pray for each other. The clue to a good
Christian life is: Pray more for everything, as Jesus did:
And He (Jesus)
to the disciples, and found them asleep, and said to Peter; "What, could you not
watch with Me one hour? Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation: the
spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:40-41
(in some new
Bibles, words have been changed from "one hour" to "a little time." The original
text says clearly "one hour".)
I see the big lie among us Christians, even in myself sometimes; we can do
things that are wrong and we automatically get forgiveness - without
confession - and that is very bad. We Christians should really fight to live
holy. Of course, new born Christians that are weak, Jesus has lots of mercy with
them, like new born babies. But we who have been Christians for many years, we
shall know how to act pretty good. And the big true: If I live wrong in one way,
even if it is a "small" sin, I can not in a good way witness to a none Christian
who lives holy in that thing. We Christians shall really seek the truth, the
holiness in everything, then God will hear our prayers:
If you abide in Me,
and my words abide in you, you shall ask whatever you want, and it shall be done
to you. Says Jesus in the Gospel of John 15:7